What About Lesbian Spaces? Why Do Lesbians Remain so Invisible in most of the (Public) Spaces?
19:00 – 20:30 Conference – What About Lesbian Spaces? Why Do Lesbians Remain so Invisible in most of the (Public) Spaces?
– Lens Marian (Sociologist), Aïda Yancy (Historian) and Ilaria Todde (Eurocentralasian Lesbian* Community).
20 :30 – 21:30 Debate
21:30 – 22:30 Free discussion. Drinks & Food
What kind of spaces are available for the most fragilized minorities within the LGBTQI+ communities, in particular when they do cumulate other discriminations?
This first cycle of 3 conferences organized by L-tour during the PrideFestival will explore the theme of lesbian/lesBIan spaces through different reading grids. For each conference, expert speakers have been invited to speak on specific themes (see program below). Each conference will take place in a different language (NL, FR, EN).
The conferences were originally planned in the month of May (Belgian Pride), but had to be postponed due to Covid19.
A second cycle of conferences will be planned in the beginning of 2021 on « Identities », with thematical workshops.
Free Entry.
Accessibilité pour les personnes à mobilité réduite. Cette année, la RainbowHouse Brussels met en place un système de “buddies” pour les personnes qui souhaiteraient être accompagnées par un.e bénévole, plus d’informations sur http://rainbowhouse.be/fr/projet/pridefestival/.
Mesures COVID19 : le port du masque est obligatoire. La capacité des salles risque d’être réduite et nous vous conseillons vivement de réserver vos places à l’adresse email : conferences@l-tour.be.
Les conférences seront enregistrées et diffusées ultérieurement en ligne, et également traduites et disponibles dans 4 langues sur notre site web (NL, FR, EN, DE).